• Help Starts Here. Call our toll-free, 24-hour hotline at +1 (877) 988 - 5559

    Help Starts Here

    Take the first step to a safer life. Call our toll-free, 24 hour hotline.

  • Join Us for a Moveable Feast!

    Join us for a cocktail reception at the beautiful Lassie House to support survivors of domestic violence!

  • Healing Across Generations Wellness Fair

    Join us at the House of Ruth Wellness Fair for a day of self-care, health tips, and community support!

  • Rebuilding Our Outreach Agency

    Help Us Rebuild

    Unfortunately, we are incurring roughly $20,000 in construction costs that will not be covered by insurance and we need your support. Your contribution will make a significant difference in overcoming this obstacle and maintaining our mission.

  • Join Our Community. Visit our Volunteer Page for updates on the latest training sessions or visit our Monetary Giving Page to become a regular donor

    Join Our Community

    Visit our Volunteer page to register for our Fall 2024 volunteer training session. Or visit our Monetary Giving page to become a regular donor.

  • Ask us about restraining order filing assistance or court accompaniment today.

    No More Fear

    House of Ruth has partnered with the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence to provide survivors a new restraining order that would bar people who harm from accessing firearms.

We Need Your Support

Following a car accident in 2023 that destroyed 50% of our outreach building, we are happy to announce that we have rebuilt our counseling wing and are back to operating at 100% capacity! However, we are incurring $20,000 in additional construction costs that will not be covered by insurance. Help us continue providing a safe space to recover and start again.

Our Mission

House of Ruth is dedicated to preventing domestic violence and ensuring the safety and well-being of those impacted. 

Who We Are

We are a comprehensive domestic violence agency based in Southern CA; servicing the eastern Los Angeles and western San Bernardino counties. We believe every home should be a safe place and we are committed to making that belief a reality in the communities we serve. Since 1977, we have worked to end the threat of partner abuse by providing a number of housing, counseling, legal, and outreach options. Our goal for the future is to continue providing these services while increasing prevention education and spreading awareness.


House of Ruth envisions a world free of domestic violence by empowering people to thrive in healthy relationships.


We believe that all people deserve to live their lives free of violence, especially in their home.  

A Moveable Feast

1195 Washington Ave,

Pomona, CA 91767

September 7, 2024

Healing Across Generations Wellness Fair

September 28, 2024

599 N. Main St.,

Pomona, CA 91768

Candlelight Vigil

October 24, 2024

599 N. Main St.,

Pomona, CA 91768

Keep Up with Us

Check out our calendar for all future community events, workshops, and fundraising!



Catch up on last year’s highlights!

Our Programs

Our Partners

“The people at the House of Ruth were kind, they gave us a home, they treated us with respect, and more importantly, they gave us hope.”



Follow Us!

Be sure to follow our social media channels for all the latest on community events, volunteer opportunities, and program updates!